Friday, November 21, 2008

Our New Bundle of Joy!

Well, I started setting up my blog about a month before I had baby Gavin, or as the kids like to call him "baby G", and now he is officially 2 months old. But I had it in my head that I would start out the new blog with our new baby so that's why this is what my first post is about.

Gavin was born on September 18th weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 10 oz. (ouch!..not really, that's the magic of the epideral) he was 22 inches long. He was by far the biggest baby in the nursery, and the nurses just couldn't get over how cute and healthy he looked. A couple of the nurses would joke that he was ready to go off to kindergarten... all of his dark hair does make him look older.

The kids absolutely love him to pieces, especially Ava, she still can't see to give him enough loves and kisses. I'm so glad that Dave talked me into having just one more, he is so precious and he just fits perfectly into our little family.

But like I said before he is now 2 months old and he is getting more and more fun by the day. He smiles and coo's and loves all the love and attention he can get...which is a lot with all of the siblings he has. Jake is so happy to finally have a baby brother, and can't wait until he can teach him how to play baseball and ride a skateboard. Welcome to the family Gavin, We lovc You!


The Bowlers said...

Michelle, he is so dang cute! I just love him. Good job on your blog, it looks cute! I'll help you more too.

Danielle Larsen said...

Gavin is so adorable! I love your blog! Keep posting!

Heidi said...

Don't you know you're not supposed to look that good after having a baby! You make us all look bad.

He's adorable. I love the hair.